We are pleased to announce TELEMATIC MEDICAL APPLICATIONS LTD. participation to the EU funded project HosmartAI.
HosmartAI aims to be the most relevant player for the digital transformation of the European healthcare sector, to make the European healthcare system more strong, efficient, sustainable and resilient. The HosmartAI vision is a strong, efficient, sustainable and resilient European healthcare system benefiting from the AI capacities of European technology stakeholders to generate impact.
The HosmartAI mission is to guarantee the integration of digital and robot technologies in new healthcare environments and the possibility to analyse their benefits by providing an environment where digital healthcare tool providers will be able to design and develop AI solutions as well as a space for the instantiation and deployment of AI solutions.
HosmartAI will work under the premise that co-construction with stakeholders and citizens is the only way to develop a viable healthcare system accepted by end-users.